

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, many patients wonder, is it worth it? What results will I see? What are the benefits of orthodontic treatment? These are all perfectly normal questions.

Here are some answers. Braces can straighten teeth, close gaps, and correct spacing, resulting in a more comfortable, functional, and confident smile. While many assume that braces are primarily for improving appearance, that is only one of the many benefits of straight teeth. Get the healthy, straight smile you've always wanted with braces from Neibauer - Central Park. Call our office at 540-899-9511 to schedule an appointment today for your braces consultation in Fredericksburg!

Benefits of Braces

A correctly aligned bite and properly spaced teeth can provide the following benefits:

  • Alleviate unnecessary wear and grinding that can lead to TMJ, neck pain, or headaches.
  • Prevent ineffective chewing and digestion problems.
  • Form a dental profile that is less prone to tooth injury.
  • Help those with speech impediments speak clearly.
  • Improve oral health by helping create properly spaced teeth, making them easier to brush and floss.
  • Lead to healthier gums, better prevention of cavities, and prevention against periodontal disease.
  • Contribute to a positive self-image, which encourages effective dental hygienic habits that preserve your beautiful smile.

After your orthodontic treatment, you may need to wear a retainer. Made from acrylic or wire material, your dentist will take an impression, or mold, of your newly aligned teeth for a proper fit.

Wearing retainers after getting braces is essential for the overall health of your teeth. They will help you maintain teeth alignment for a long time. If you want or need braces, call us at 540-899-9511 to make an appointment for your braces consultation in Fredericksburg.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are placed behind the teeth (by the tongue and palate), rather than in front, and therefore offer a great cosmetic alternative for those who want their teeth straightened without the braces showing. This partly explains why they are more common among adults than children. One other advantage is that if you play a wind instrument or a sport, lingual braces are easier, more convenient, and more comfortable than traditional braces.

Read more about Lingual Braces


The Myobrace® System is a preventive pre-orthodontic treatment that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of crooked teeth, often without the need for braces or extraction of teeth, unlocking natural growth and development. Myobraces works with a holistic approach and gives long-lasting results. Myobraces are not shaped and constructed like regular braces. Treatment is best suited to children aged 3 to 15 and involves using a series of removable intraoral appliances that are worn for one to two hours each day and overnight while sleeping. While it is suitable for a wide range of orthodontic issues, it is most effective in early childhood while the mouth is still developing.

Read more about Myobrace

Other Things You Should Know

Traditional Braces

Brackets and wires used for traditional braces are typically made of metal or stainless steel. This tooth alignment method is very efficient as the metal components tend to be more durable and progressive during the process. Luckily, today’s braces are smaller in size and shape. The wires used between them are heat-activated by the body's temperature to gradually move the teeth. In addition, conventional braces come with various colored bands for the brackets, which can be seen as fun and creative for children. The bands are replaced monthly, allowing you to change the color each time you visit our dentist.